Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Freezing Meals

I posted about Borchers Breakfast Pie (check it out, so good!) and mentioned that I double the recipe and freeze one. Here is a great way to freeze meals without having to leave your pan in the freezer until you are ready to eat the meal: in your pan or dish put down a large piece of plastic wrap, then layer a long piece of aluminum foil that hangs quite a bit over the sides of the pan. Add your food (in this example I made the second breakfast pie on top of the foil), then seal the food with the overhang of foil (you might need to add more foil to completely seal the top), then wrap the plastic wrap over the foil. Put the entire thing in the freezer (pan and all); after the food is frozen solid, remove from the pan or dish and put in a labeled freezer bag if it fits - if the bag isn't big enough then I wrap again to make sure it is sealed tightly. When it's time to eat the meal, remove it from the freezer, remove the plastic wrap, put it back into the same pan and bake. If you leave the foil on it then you'll have less clean up after baking, but you can peel it off before baking if you'd rather. Handy tip right? It's also nice if you freeze a lot of meals this way, they stack up nicely on top of each other.

put the food on top of the foil in your pan

seal the foil and put the whole thing still in the pan into the freezer until frozen solid. 

once frozen, remove the pan and put the foil and plastic wrap package into a labeled ziplock freezer bag and put back into the freezer. when you are ready to eat it, remove the plastic wrap and put the foil wrapped meal back into the original pan in was frozen in and bake. 

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