Saturday, July 30, 2016

Harvey Wallbanger

While roaming Prague we walked by a little bar that had a porch, and on the porch were gliders with a table hooked between them - so you're rocking back and forth while drinking and eating. It was so cute that we totally had to sit out there, never considering if rocking back and forth while drinking and eating is a good idea...

...after a few minutes of rocking, swaying back and forth,  we realized that eating would not be a wise choice - so we just had a drink. It was the middle of the day and nothing really sounded good to me, but then I saw a "harvey wallbanger" on the menu and decided I needed to try one. I've heard of it but didn't know what was in it, but I ordered it anyway - I thought it was going to be a manly cocktail in a short glass, but it came out in a tall pina colada glass with fruit sticking out. Does "harvey wallbanger" make you think of a fruity foofoo drink? It sounds manly to me haha. Anyway, I don't love fruity foofoo drinks and won't be putting this into the "drinks I order often" category - but it was fine and we were rocking, that's good enough. 

And I bet I'll always remember where I had my first harvey wallbanger - in Prague, sitting in a glider on the porch of a bar.

I found a recipe here if you want to try one - it's just vodka, oj, and Galliano.

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