Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Pinecone Turkeys

These are silly but I had fun making them - wouldn't they be cute at everyone's place setting, holding a name/place card, or as part of a centerpiece? Very easy and simple, good kid craft other than I used hot glue (white glue would take longer to hold but might work so the littles could make them).

I saw the inspiration for these here, it's a site that you have to pay to join - I just looked at the picture and then winged them (get it? "winged" them heehee) - no pattern but really, it's just a few pieces of felt glued on to look like a turkey...you can do it!

You need 3 pieces of different colored felt for the tail feathers. I just cut them freehand, it reminds me a little of when we would trace our hand to make a turkey as kids (did you do that? I'm sure you did...), you want 4 or 5 "fingers" but the bottom of each piece is straight across, that's where you'll glue them to the pinecone.

Cut 2 legs with toes out of yellow felt, stick into the underside of the pinecone and glue in place. The head is a round piece of felt with a skinny long neck attached; add a couple googly eyes, an orange felt triangle, and a little piece of felt shaped like a fat comma over the beak (I looked it up, that thing is called a 'snood' - now you have an interesting fact to share at the dinner table, you're welcome). Stick the neck piece into the pine cone and have the head bend over the front of the pinecone, glue in place.

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