Thursday, January 10, 2019

Happy Moments

Today is a short break from posting my usual stuff so I can ramble about being on the lookout for tiny little things that bring joy. They might only last for a minute of the day, but there are things all around us if we just look for them and - no, this is not me making a resolution...God forbid, I hate resolutions... - I'm going to try harder to notice the little things.

I saw a desk calendar themed "a year of tiny pleasures", a celebration of the little things in life that make us happy - and it got me thinking. I shouldn't need a calendar to remind me of all the tiny little pleasures in life - but there are so many moments and things around us that might get overlooked, I need to pay more attention to them! Funny that I notice and share all the annoying stupid shizzle that is around me every day (traffic, people, noise, dog poop on the sidewalk...) but don't consciously find the good stuff to balance it all out.  This calendar is the inspiration behind something new I'm going to share each day at the end of my blog posts -  a tiny little moment, saying, pleasure, something that makes me happy....and hopefully will make you happy too! 

I'm talking little things - no big grand creative ideas to get you thinking, not going to stew and overthink this every day to find the just right, profound, meaningful things that will somehow inspire you or change your world LOL. 

For example - looking down at my feet and seeing Sarge on his side curled up against my chair, it's a good moment and makes me happy.

1.10.18: savory monkey bread
1.10.16: french bean and veggie soup

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