Monday, January 20, 2020

Transplanting from a Pot to the Ground

We have a big plant in a big pot that isn't looking so good - D kept telling me it needed more water but it was getting water. I was in the courtyard doing some other work and had the thought that I should plant the big plant (more like a big bush) in the ground and see if it liked that better. When asked if he agreed, Dave said yes but there was no way I was going to be able to dig a hole big enough and I'd have to get help (not from him hahaha, he meant the condo gardener guys). Well guess what happened then? 

You know it - that was a challenge and dare if I've ever heard one.  I then had something to prove and I dug that hole no problem. And by no problem I mean it took 2 hours and I had sweat literally running into my eyes and I stopped halfway thru to schedule a massage appointment for later that day knowing I was going to be hurting....oh, and in order to plant this sucker I had to gather up all the river rock that you see in this picture, move the 3 stone pavers, then put it all back!

The plant is so heavy that I couldn't just pick it up and put it in the hole - I tipped it on its side, cut thru the plastic pot it was in so I could get it out of there, then slid and dropped it in place. Whew. 

Check out these pics - poor plant was seriously root bound! I dug the hole big enough to fit the plant and then loosened up the dirt a little bit more so the roots will be able to spread out. Before putting the plant into the hole I gently tugged the roots to free them up a bit, so they weren't so clumped tightly together. 

Because he couldn't admit he was wrong about my digging abilities, I got "it looks a little crooked" when he saw it later that day. Be proud of me, I didn't spout any colorful language, smack him,  or even roll my eyes - I just calmly said "then you dig it back up and make it better" to which he said it looks just fine. LOL!! That's what I thought. 

1 comment:

  1. You did an amazing job! Good for you! I believe it will thrive! Root bound is horrible. You helped it spread its wings. A message is we’ll deserved!
