Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tip-sy Tuesday: microwaving tip

Cathy told me that when Al microwaves something that is potentially going to splatter, he covers the dish with a paper towel and a regular plate. I was all 'that's not really amazing because I already cover my bowl with a paper plate and stuff still splatters everywhere' and sort-of ignored her. Until the other day when I was melting my microwaving nemesis butter - for real, why does it go from solid to exploding in like .0001 second? ARGH - and it occurred to me that if I followed Al's tip and top my paper plate with an actual plate (a) the regular plate won't fly off like a paper plate does and (b) I won't have to clean the plate from splatters because the paper plate is protecting it. Ah ha! Al - you're a genius! 
little side note: I don't use a paper towel because I feel like it absorbs the melted butter instead of just shielding it like a paper plate does... 

1.28.19: DIY glass cleaner
1.28.18: salsa verde pork enchilada casserole
1/28/17: mimosas
1/28/16: guest room tips

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