Monday, February 10, 2020

Fabric Pins

Tesha and I were shopping and saw some fabric pins and she said "I've seen these before - they're like the ones you made!"Yep, I made a bunch of these back in the day. I'm not sure they were ever 'in' style so can't really say they are back in style now hahaha, but they are pretty and I forgot all about them so I'm sharing even tho this isn't something I've made recently. I only have this one picture so can't show you the steps involved in making them, but you can pretty much see how I did it - for each pin you'll need 3 graduating sizes of flower shaped fabric and 2 buttons, and a pin for the back so you can attach it to a lapel, purse, backpack, whatever.

To assemble: stack the fabrics on top of each other largest to small. I used 2 different sizes of buttons stacked together for the center of the flower, sew thru the buttons and all layers of fabric to hold the bundle together. Attach a straight-backed pin (or a safety pin) on the back.

I made a cardboard template of 3 different sizes instead of free handing each one, but you can wing it if you prefer. If you use fabric that might ravel I'd sew around the edges before attaching to the pin.

Sorry I don't have better photos to show you!! But you get the idea right? These are all in darker, heavier fabrics - they'd be really pretty in bright springtime colors.

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