Friday, February 21, 2020

Miss Lori's Flower Arrangement

Got an email from Miss Lori sharing this beautiful flower arrangement she made, along with painting the vase - I love the idea of painting it and would not have thought to sand it first, doesn't it look great with the colors of her flowers? Good job Miss Lori! Sorry the weather wasn't great the day you made this, but I'm happy you turned it into craft day :) Thanks for sharing! Here's what she did in her words:

Wanted to share my latest project - every time we get snow or freezing cold weather my Mom gets something new!  This time I went to Michaels to gather some flowers, most 70% off!  Grabbed a vase from Ollie’s that was pink and white polka dot, sanded and painted it and voila - a new addition for a spot that needed something pretty in Mom’s living room!

For the vase, it is sanded all over with a fine sandpaper and used a spray paint.  (Spray painting takes place in Jon’s barn, not in my craft room!)

Since the arrangement was going to be tall and top heavy I put 4 bags of dollar store glass gems in the bottom of the vase, then put several foam pieces in the vase to give the flowers more stability.  The small foam circle in the photo is resting on some taller foam pieces to give an eventual place for the Spanish moss to be, for the finishing touch.

Since some of the flowers were longer and heavier, I had to stabilize them with a few floral pins.

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