Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wine Glass Snow Globes

I had my doubts about this one, turning upside down wine glasses into snow globes seemed a little cheesy homemade in my head - but they actually turned out super cute and were very easy to put together. I picked up some different shaped wine glasses and fake snow at the dollar store, and little things to put inside the "globes" from the craft store - right now all the Christmas stuff is on sale so I got things pretty cheap.

I used the lid to a mason jar for the stemmed glass, and found a jar lid that fit the stemless glass. You could also cut a cardboard circle to use for the base. Play with how you want the figurines, trees, etc. to fit on the lid (make sure the wine glass will fit over top of them) and when you are happy with the arrangement hot glue them in place.

Put some snow in the upright glass - you don't need very much, my first one looked like the church had been in an avalanche! Run a bead of hot glue around the lid where it will fit on the glass and then turn the lid upside down and fit it into the glass. After the glue dries turn the glass over and shake the snow into place.

I think these turned out cute and will be on the lookout for small figurines, etc for future wine glass snow globe projects!

You can also put a candle on top of the stemmed glass (see my top picture) - I think a few of these in different shapes and heights with candles on them would be a very pretty table, mantle, or coffee table decoration.