I don't do resolutions. I try to follow something I read a long time ago along the lines of "if you have something that needs to be changed, don't wait for the New Year to change it. Do it now"...something like that. You get the gist.
But what I decided I am going to do this year is monthly challenges - every month will be a different thing. Doesn't have to always be a negative/give-it-up thing, it can be things I'd like to add (more fruit, more veggies) or saying "yes" to more things (I'm good at saying no!), etc. I've talked my sister and nieces into doing these challenges with me and we are going to rotate who gets to decide what the monthly challenge is - we are all worried about Mickey's month, it's bound to be a hard workout/exercise based challenge...we are giving her the shortest month hahah! - starting with me for January's challenge.
I've picked 'no sweets or added sugar' - meaning cakes, cookies, candy, ice cream, jam, honey, syrup...it's too hard to give up all sugar, it's in everything! So we can still eat things that contain sugar (like ketchup, bbq sauce, etc) as long as it isn't an actual sweet food - it's all on the honor system since there is no way to actual know if everyone is following the challenge. We are just challenging ourselves individually - I'll let you know at the first of each month what the different challenge is if you want to join us!! It's only 30 days - we can do this ;)
Happy New Year's Eve
(here's to being safe, smart, sparkly, sassy...and maybe sober!)