Monday, January 9, 2017

Housework...organizing my garage craft room

Haven't been able to craft much lately because my little space in the garage has been a disaster since before Christmas! Hard to be inspired and creative when I can't even get to my supplies :(. So I spent all afternoon pulling everything out, cleaning, re-organizing, re-arranging, and just generally getting the space back together so it functions better for me.  I've taken over the area in the garage where there is a work bench, peg board for my tools, and garage cabinets to store most of my stuff - it's smaller than my big ole' Michigan craft room (click here for that post) but it works, and it works even better when I keep it clean and organized - I'm excited to get back to making stuff!

Our garage isn't wide but it's pretty deep so I'm able to work in my
craft area without moving a car. This area is also my exercise room -
under the gray mat (it's a bunch of rubber puzzle piece type squares that lock
together and form this big moveable mat) I laid linoleum squares so I can
practice tap dancing (to the delight of the neighbors I'm sure), when not tapping
the gray mat cushions the floor better for working out, lifting hand weights,
doing exercise dvds, whatever I get up the energy to do...

I bought some plastic food containers at the grocery store
to hold all the miscellaneous craft room bits - inexpensive
and works great. I went to town relabeling everything :)

Sarge loves to come to the craft room, I have no idea why since
he just falls asleep every time!

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