Monday, November 6, 2017

Football Vase

Are you ready for some football? Or at least for a cute football vase? I saw this idea in our neighborhood magazine (I bet it's online too but I didn't look) and thought it was cute, and it looked easy which is always a bonus! I had the supplies on hand (second bonus) - all you need is white and brown craft paint, small sponge brush, a mason jar, and painters tape.

I took pictures of the steps but can't find them - I'll walk you thru it tho, it's not hard I promise! Paint the jar with white paint; the paint doesn't always stick well but it doesn't matter, get it on there the best you can in as smooth of a thin layer as you can. After it dries I did a second coat and then let it dry. Mask off the football laces with painters tape, sticking the edges down as good as you can. Paint over the entire thing with brown paint and let it dry. Peel off the tape, clean up the edges (my white lines were thicker than I wanted so I just went over them with more brown paint) using either the white or brown paint depending on what needs to be touched up. Then seal the whole thing with mod podge.

before touch ups
This reminds me of the Fourth of July jars I made for my sister - click here for that post. For those I sanded them lightly, you could totally do that for the footballs if you like the distressed look.

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