Thursday, November 2, 2017

Golf Counter Bracelet

I made a couple different golf counters for my sister and Ronda back in the summer (they are on a league and both struggle to keep track of how many strokes they have each hole) - one can be worn as a bracelet or clipped onto something (belt loop or golf bag...); the other is a small bead loop that hooks over a golf glove closure. I love the golf glove one but I made it to fit on my glove, their gloves must have different sized closures because they reported the bead loop kept popping off but they both wear the bracelets and love them. I'll show you how to make the bracelet today, watch for the glove one later.

For the bracelet I did 2 of them slightly different: for the first one I used a couple feet of waxed cord to make sure I had enough. Fold in half and put a clip in the center, make a knot underneath. Slide on a bead over both ends of the cord and make another knot underneath. Add one of the counter beads (that will be sliding up and down) to one end of the cord, the take the other end and feed it thru the opposite side of the bead, pull to tighten. Repeat with 8 or 9 more beads - you can make a pattern like 4 beads then 1 bead of another color, then 4 more beads; or make them all the same color - whatever you want. Once they are all strung tie a knot a few inches down creating enough space to be able to slide the beads down to keep count after each stroke. Add another bead to both ends and make another knot. Trim the tails if desired - I like to leave them a little long. Every time you hit the ball move a bead down to keep count, when the hole is done just push all the beads back together to be ready for the next hole.

For the second one I didn't use a clip and just left a loop at the top, measure how big it needs to be by finding a button you want for the other end and make sure the button will go thru the loop. Continue the same as above but attach the button at the bottom - to wear it you just put it around your wrist and close by putting the button thru the loop.

Hopefully these pictures will make it clearer what I just described!

here is the one with a clip at the top. you can either clip it to a belt
loop or your golf bag, or clip to the other end and wear as a bracelet. 

this one just has a loop at the top and a button at the bottom.
either put the loop over something to keep it straight, or put
the button thru the loop to wear as a bracelet. 

move a bead down after each stroke
push them back together to be ready for the next hole.

I'm thinking these will be good little stocking stuffer gifts for golfers - are you thinking about Christmas gifts yet? Now that it's November I realize, once again, I missed Christmas in July and the time for planning ahead...yikes, gotta get busy!

one year ago: mini pumpkin whoopee pies
two years ago: organizing costumes

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