Since I had a bunch of leftover yarn still out from my wheat wrapping project (click here for that post) I thought about what else could be wrapped - and decided to try it on a wine bottle...yes I could have used any bottle but an empty wine bottle was handy and asking to be decorated. Again, just like wrapping the wheat, this is very simple - although not as quick as the wheat idea (for obvious reasons).

I started at the top by wrapping the yarn around and knotting, then holding the short tail down I wrapped around the neck (and over the tail) for an inch or so. Then changing color yarn continue doing the same thing until the entire bottle is covered. Once I got down a couple inches on the bottle I added little dots of glue here and there to help keep the yarn in place. Tie off at the bottom and apply a bit of glue to hold the tail tight to the bottle. That's it!
looks cute holding the
wrapped wheat! |
I'm thinking I'll make more of these in seasonal colors - how cute will they be for Christmas decor in red, white, and green? And solid colors would probably look nice too...I have tons of corks (no surprise to you guys!) but haven't saved any bottles. You know what that ever will I find some empty wine bottles? ;)
one year ago: foolproof
turkey gravy recipe
two years ago: Sarge's birthday
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