Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Smoothie Bowl

On my quest to find healthy breakfast options I read something about a "smoothie bowl" - basically a thick smoothie poured into a bowl and eaten with a spoon - so I tried it this morning just making my usual boring smoothie (frozen banana and strawberries, spoonfull of peanut butter, skim milk) but didn't put in as much milk so it was super thick. Using a spatula I scraped it into a bowl and topped with fresh berries. I am in love with this! 

It feels so much more like a "meal" then gulping down a smoothie in a glass - it takes a little longer to eat which also adds to the whole "meal" feeling. I snapped a picture and was super happy with myself - and then I googled smoothie bowls and saw some amazing pictures and was annoyed with myself over my not so pretty smoothie bowl - I didn't garnish, or arrange the berries in a pattern, or sprinkle with seeds or nuts... I felt bad for about 2 seconds before reminding myself that I'm not a food blogger, I don't post my gorgeous professional food shots on instagram, and this tastes dang good - why make things harder than they need to be in the morning just to get a glamour shot of my food LOL! I'm not going to be shamed into thinking that if the presentation isn't professional and instagram worthy then it isn't good! And this is really good :)

Obviously just make your smoothie bowl using whatever ingredients you like - there are hundreds of ways to make a smoothie - and by all means, if you have the time and inclination in the morning to jazz up the presentation go for it!

I told Cathy about my smoothie bowl and she says it reminds her of ice cream and fruit - hey, that'd be a great after dinner treat...smoothie bowl, not just for breakfast!

one year ago: make a pocket towel for the guest room
two years ago: mini pineapple-upside-down cakes

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