Warning- the seeds are black, don’t be alarmed. Oh also the ones he got me were VERY hard to cut into. Don’t know if that was just these particular ones or if it’s all. Try it and let us know!
Rinsed seeds in a colander then laid out on paper towel to soak up the extra wetness. I then spread them on a cookie sheet, sprayed with butter flavored pam and sprinkled with salt.
Cooked 15 minutes at 350, flipped them around and sprayed/salted again and then cooked 15 more minutes. Delicious. 🎃
*Jill here - she's not lying, these are delicious! The fact that I just learned something from my little sister is a tad disturbing LOL, but this is a good thing to know! Hulless pumpkins (one example is called a "kakai" pumpkin) are good for the seeds, but apparently don't taste good if you want to eat the flesh. I did a quick Mr. Google search for the difference between pepitas and pumpkin seeds - I thought they were one in the same - found out these hulless seeds are technically pepitas, and the traditional seeds we get from carving pumpkins are known as pumpkin seeds. Whodaknew?!
10.31.2017: Cathy's pumpkin seeds (well there's a coincidence!)

10.31.15: witch hat cupcakes