Friday, March 29, 2019

Adding Symbols and Text to Photos

I just learned how to do this and I'm kicking myself for not figuring it out a long time ago - it's going to make my blog photos so much better! In the past if I wanted to point something out in a project or recipe I'm making I had to take pictures with one hand while pointing with the other, or made little videos if I needed both hands - now I can add arrows or text right on the pictures to help explain what I'm doing. Yay!

...and after!

Here's how (at least here's how on my 2018 Mac laptop, not sure how to do it in other programs):

Drag the photo out of Photos and onto the desktop. Double click on it to open in Preview.

Click on Tools, scroll to annotate, scroll to symbol you want to insert - in my case it's an arrow. The arrow shows up in the middle of the screen with small dots on either end, use those to move and resize the arrow. You can change the color of the arrow by clicking the outlined square box in the tool bar.

To add text, click on the T in the tool bar (T for text) and a text box will appear. You can change the font and size of the font by clicking on the A in the tool bar. Then type whatever you want in the text box, move it to where you want it in the photo.

You can also freehand draw or sketch by clicking the pencil icons on the left side of the tool bar (that's where my smiley came from).

3.29.18: butternut bunny

3.29.17: Mark's cowboy casserole 

Happy moment ~ swinging with a 5 year old

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