Monday, August 28, 2023

Pallet Board Centerpiece Box

Ronda gave me a bundle of pallet wood boards like 3 years ago and I had the idea to build a box to put on the dining room table that could display different things throughout the year like flowers, candles, plants, seasonal items, etc. I bought metal clasp things and wood glue to connect the boards, and proceeded to join 2 boards together and put the project aside. 

Fast forward 3ish years and Mark was in my craft room helping me with some things and wondered what the pile of wood in the corner was - I fessed up that I had good intentions but was in over my head with how to build the thing. 

Now fast forward a few days to when he whipped out this box for me! WooHoo! It turned out 1000 times better than I imagined and there is no way it would have looked this good if I had managed to complete it hahaha. I felt better when he made the comment that it was actually quite a bit of work and was glad he could assemble it for me because I wouldn't have been able to! The boards weren't all the same size and he ended up having to rip some of them so they'd be the same thickness, and he cut some boards to make the ends and bottom of the box (I have a jigsaw but hadn't thought far enough ahead as to how I was going to make the ends or attach a bottom hahah). Thanks Mark!! 

Right now it's filled with candlesticks that are usually on the mantle and a couple small plants but as soon as I have time to go to the craft store I'm envisioning artificial hydrangeas filling up the box (cut down so the flowers are pretty much even with the top of the box, I'll update with a picture once I make that happen!

PS: if anyone actually wants to know how he built it I can ask for more details!

8.28.22: ðŸ”¥ week 35

8.28.21: computer prob, no post

8.28.20: homemade jeopardy game

8.28.19: giant whoopee pie cake

8.28.18: s'more cookies

8.28.17: hoop earrings with beads

8.28.16: steakhouse wedge salad

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