Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Tip-sy Tuesday: freezing asparagus

True story: 

Dave: I'm going to Costco, do you want me to get anything?

Me: Yes, we need a green veg for dinner. I have asparagus so maybe grab some green beans or broccoli. 

A while later he returns from Costco with a giant bag of asparagus. Insert eyeroll. 

As much as I like asparagus there is no way we are going to eat it all before it goes bad - because hello, Costco asparagus is A LOT OF ASPARAGUS. And I already had asparagus. Sigh. 

Point of this post is that I froze it. And it's very easy to do so I'm sharing with you in case your helpful significant other brings home a crap ton of it and you panic. 

Cut the asparagus into pieces (or leave whole spears, I'm sure that works too); blanch in boiling water for a couple minutes, remove from the hot water and put straight into an ice bath to stop the cooking. An ice bath is just a big bowl of ice and water you have ready before blanching the asparagus. Drain and dry the asparagus before putting in freezer baggies and popping into the freezer. Crisis adverted. 


3.8.20: ðŸ”¥week 10
3.8.19: sew a fabric wallet (fyi - I still use this all the time, so handy)

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