Thursday, March 24, 2022

Irish Cream Pudding Shots (St. Patrick's Day or any ol' time!)

My sis sent me this last week on St. Patrick's Day, so the pictures have green sprinkles and a cutie leprechaun figurine but really, other than that, there's no reason to limit them to green holidays haha. Here's what she sent:


What could go wrong? Hahahaha

Now that I have your attention, keeping with my spectacular cooking skills on todays menu is SHOTS! St Patricks day shots to be specific but really these could be for any time you want some yum. 
I bought a giant bottle of Irish Cream from Costco as my starting point. I searched for a shot recipe that had Irish Cream with pudding and went from there. In full
Disclosure The actual recipe had half milk half Irish cream but no one likes a coward so I went for it with full Irish cream- no milk. Again- what could go wrong? I’ll let you know tomorrow! Hahaha

1 large box pudding (I did 2 batches, one with vanilla then one with chocolate)
2 1/4 cups Irish Cream
4 oz Cool Whip (half of a standard size cool whip per batch)

Whisk pudding and Irish Cream together then fold in the ship cream. Fill standard plastic shot cups with lids. Freeze for minimum of 2 hours. 

I sprinkled green on top to add a St Patricks Day touch but like i said these would really be delicious for any time. 

Yum! Dinner is ready! Lol

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