Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Dice Bunny

I saw a picture last year of a dollar store craft of bunnies made out of foam dice - but at the time I couldn't find foam dice so stuck the idea in my folder and promptly forgot about it. Until roaming the dollar store the other day and saw the dice - that's what happens when you stop looking for something, right? hahaha. Anyway - I bought a 2 pack and some balloons and made this cutie in a matter of minutes.     


The original inspo picture I have is just using one dice per bunny, gluing ears on top, a tail in the back and a drawn on face. That's what I started out making but changed it by the end. 

I decided to stack the 2 dice so the bunny has a 'body', either way is cute. I also decided to not add a face, when I was building it I thought it looked cute with just the ears and tail - if you want a face you can paint it on, draw it with a sharpie, or make stickers with a Cricut machine. 

I bought light-colored dice but when I covered it with a white balloon I can still see the dots and a tinge of color, so I added a second balloon. You could fix that by making the bunny a different color. 

I took tons of pictures, not because the steps are complicated, mostly just because it's so cute I couldn't stop myself LOL. I don't even really need to use any more words to tell you what I did, I pretty much give the instructions in pictures! 

cut off the rest of the balloon tail so it's smooth

add a second balloon but have the hole/tail end be
on the other side of the dice from the first  hole 

glue the 2 ends with the holes together 

cut out felt ears, pinch and glue the bottom to curve
them slightly. Hot glue to the middle of the top dice. 

add decorations at the base of the ears. 

To make the pompom tail - wind yarn around a credit card 40 times. Cut a short piece of yarn for tying the pompom. Carefully remove the wound yarn from the credit card and place it on top of the short piece of yarn. Tie the piece of yarn tightly around the middle of the yarn ball and knot. Clip the loops and shape:

4.5.22: TT freezing meals

4.5.21: MSIH ham lentil soup

4.5.18: low carb pizza (cauliflower crust)

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