Friday, April 21, 2023

My Sister Tried It: 12-3-30

So today I tried something a little different.  Another viral Tik Tok/Social media trend. This one is exercise related. The 12-3-30 Fad.  I say “Fad” because it’s definitely a fad thing that people are doing right now and raving about.  If you haven’t heard of it it’s an incline of 12 on the treadmill, at a speed of 3, for 30 minutes.  To be honest I have tried variations of this a couple times- but have never just started at that 12 and 3 and kept it for the entire 30 minutes. Once I did a “ladder” type variation where I did minute one at a one include, two at a two incline etc. working my way up to 12 and then back down.  Not quite 30 minutes and really kind of “cheating”.  Today though I decided in my next entry for the “sister tried it” series I would do it the way its written for the entire 30 minutes.  So that I did. 

The first 10 minutes I would definitely classify as “easy”.  I’m used to running, playing soccer, and doing boot camp type workouts.  All things that have left me repeatedly sore.  At my age walking is what I should be moving to.  Anyway- first 10 minutes were great.  Going into the second 10 minutes were as I expected, quite a bit more challenging.  That is where I covered my treadmill screen with a towel so I wasn’t just watching the screen in pain.  What I would guess to be the last 10 were purely a test of will.  I struggled at that point to not hold the hand rails (they say not to) and to not Lean too far forward (as one would do while walking up a steep hill).  I had horrible visions of stopping walking and the treadmill shooting me backwards- but luckily that didn’t happen either. 
I was able to successfully finish the 30 minutes- and as you can see the calorie counter on the treadmill gives me an insane amount of calories burned.  Yes, I know those aren’t completely accurate however comparing to my usual 30 minute treadmill run this was actually quite a lot more!  Which surprises me for “just” walking! 

I can definitely see how people are losing weight on this- and even if it maybe isn’t good for me without a sufficient warm up walk, stretching etc. it was way better on my poor old knee’s than a run.  I am definitely planning to work this into my workout schedule! Maybe though will go back to a more gentle ladder type of thing though.. I’ll at least keep it up until the next fad comes along!

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