Friday, June 2, 2017

Wear: Full Pants with T-shirt

I've been looking at lots of fashion blogs lately and while I don't always like their styles (there's a whole lot of ruffles going on right now, not my thing!)  I do like that it makes me think of building outfits differently than I usually do - sort of shaking up my closet a bit. I've fallen into the "workout clothes as all-day outfits" lately but I have SO many clothes (!) that I should either get out of the yoga pants and into real clothes or start getting rid of things hanging in my closet and buy nicer yoga pants haha! So in that vein I'm going to add making outfits to my blog (making crafts, making food, now making outfits too!), hopefully you'll get some ideas of what to do with your clothes to make them more wearable, put together more complete outfits, or just inspire you to see things a little differently and mix it up (plus it gives me more incentive to actually wear something other than work-out clothes!).

I've had these full pants for a while now and just never figured out the best way to wear them, they seemed kinda dressy and I don't have occasion to wear dress clothes very often... so I decided to try dressing them down and what I came up with is much more practical for my every day life. Here they are with a plain black t-shirt and platform tennies - I played with necklaces and scarves settling on the chunky white link necklace as the most casual and funky. I felt good and put together, and was super comfortable all day - even though all I did was work in the office, went to lunch, and visited my friend in the hospital (and probably could have done all that in my yoga pants).

One side effect of my making outfits and dressing a little better is that Dave is now questioning why I'm getting "dressed up" and if I have a boyfriend or something LOL. (Um, I don't think Adam Levine counts - I refer to him as my bf but he doesn't even know me hahahah) - I laughed and told him my new plan,  he agreed that I have ALOT of clothes I don't wear ;)

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