Friday, January 27, 2023

Coconut Rice with Cumin Garlic Shrimp by Macey

Macey shared another recipe that looks great (and I bet smells great too!). Here's how she makes coconut rice with cumin garlic shrimp, in her words:

Tonight’s dinner was super easy, and so delicious! I’ve only made coconut rice a couple of times, and each time it gets better and better! 

While the rice is cooking (in a rice cooker, 1cup rice to 1 3/4 cup coconut milk ~30mins) I fire up the stove for one cast iron pan, adding olive oil, butter, white wine, cilantro, shallots, and chopped garlic. Saute for a couple of minutes to cook the shallot and garlic, then whisk in 1-2 tablespoons of cornstarch. Cook until the liquid is thickening. 

I then add the shrimp! (I’ve decided to go with a cumin garlic cayenne shrimp seasoning which I’ve totally made up myself but it’s basically just butter melted with cumin, a dash of cayenne pepper, garlic powder, salt and pepper) and then drench each shrimp into the pan of sauce and let it sizzle (only for a few mins!) 

From there, I squeeze some fresh limes and sprinkle cilantro and coconut shreds on top of the rice and then with a ladle, spoon the sauce and shrimp over top of the rice. Add cilantro to top (for looks). 

•• the shreds of coconut in the rice is bomb! It adds a nice texture to the dish. I also like to put cilantro directly in the pot that I am making the shrimp sauce in; you really get that strong flavor forward taste and then sprinkling a little more cilantro on top at the end just adds more flavor, texture (and looks pretty!) 

I sliced a lemon in case it needed more at the end, but the lime from earlier was plenty it really didn’t need anymore.

1.27.22: thru the years

1.27.21: galumpkis (stuffed cabbage rolls)

1.27.20: Mason jar cork jar (DIY not DUI)

1.27.19: ðŸ”¥week 4

1.27.18: words ~ your story

1.27.17: slime

1.27.16: displaying recipes

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