Tuesday, July 4, 2017

July 4, 2017


cheers to
~Stars and Stripes~
and food, fireworks, family, and friends


A note from the dog:

Guys! I usually like loud noises and want to go check out what's happening but seriously...fireworks are scary so please read these tips my mom found. She also turns on the tv which I appreciate...I know she's just trying to distract me from the loud noises outside but since I LOVE to watch tv and bark at anything that moves on the screen it makes the fireworks a little bit easier to take. They are fun for people, but not for me and my friends. Just sayin'. Now go have fun and save me some hot dog.

Love, The Sarge

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sarge for your post! I appreciate it a lot! Be safe and don't be scared. Mama will take care of you so that you won't be scared.
