Thursday, July 20, 2017

Organizing Garden Stuff

This would probably be a better post to show you in the fall when you are putting everything away from the garden, but this way you can plan ahead and work on getting things in order before it's time to store it all...I don't know about you but when I'm done with the project my least favorite thing is having to then organize it to store it - this way you'll be ready and things can just go in their places easily!

I have a wall in the back of the garage where we hung up a large piece of peg board and that's where I hang everything - all those garden stakes and supports, trellises, bird feeder, decorative crap (I love garden tchotchke crap!! I seriously don't like clutter anywhere else but in the garden all bets are off ;). I have Mickey Mouse wind chimes, gnomes, statues, flags, star stakes...), etc. It pretty much all can go on the wall - gets it off the ground, keeps the garage less cluttered, and in the spring I can easily find what I'm looking for. If you have the space - try it!

Everything I own and store in the off-season is not in this picture! I took it after removing a bunch of things but you get the idea...

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