Friday, July 28, 2023

My Sister Tried It: Ice Cream?

I have been trying to cut down on my night time snacking but its very hard to do when the husband and his ridiculous metabolism is eating a bag of sour cream and onion chips beside me. Now in all honestly chips wouldn't be my thing - it would be ice cream for sure. I was discussing life and its unfairness with Brooke and she told me something she saw on Tik Tok that I should try. Yes I'm aware that teens (and others) get recipes from Tik Tok however that's not usually my favorite go to for that sort of thing. 

This time though I was willing to give it a try. 

Maybe everyone knew this was a thing except me but here it is: 

Frozen Banana in a blender with flavored protein powder and a tiny bit of low fat milk.  She promised me it would taste like ice cream. I am not new to the world of frozen bananas in smoothies so how is this not just a smoothie?  She assures me if I blend it less and use less milk it will be ice cream. LOL. so here I go. 

one frozen banana
2 TBS Peanut Butter protein powder
Dash of milk

Blend until smooth. 

Sure enough.. ice cream.  Ok maybe not a big bowl of Moosetrax but definitely satisfying enough to feel like a treat and curb the cravings. Again, maybe everyone else in the world knew this was a thing - but either way try it! Oh, and I guess in the future maybe I need to get a Tik Tok? :)

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