Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Tip-sy Tuesday: Slicing Tomatoes Hack

I'll start by saying this is a fail. Didn't want you to read the entire way thru and get all excited about how great of a tip this is only to find it doesn't work and then cuss me out. LOL. It didn't work for me, maybe you'll try it anyway and have better luck. Let me know if that happens!

I've seen this hack a few places that like to share handy tips, and since I eat and chop ALOT of tomatoes I thought 'aha, genius!'. 

Place the tomatoes between two plates, press down on the top plate and run your knife in between the plates thereby cutting the tomatoes in half. Are you also thinking 'aha, genius'? Seems like it should work right? Maybe my knife just wasn't sharp enough or something but nothing happened other than the tomatoes being pushed off the bottom plate hahahah. 

So whatcha think - game to give it a go?  

6.15.20: painted sticks

6.15.19: Jen's new 'mantra' 

6.15.18: diy duvet cover

6.15.17: chopping herbs 

6.15.16: mini fruit pies

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