Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Master Grocery List

In the quest to be more organized and stop going to the grocery store every day - and also to stop writing things we need on little scraps of paper - I made this master grocery list of the regular things we buy and like to have on hand. When something is getting low or we run out, we just make a little check next to it - and after I make our weekly meal plan (I'm actually sticking to that, see the post about the new way I'm using my planner) I add what we need to this list before heading to the store. My goal is to cut down to twice a week trips and so far, so good.

I did this in Word, just use whatever word processing program you like. For our regular grocery needs I was able to list everything in 4 columns on a half sheet of regular paper (font is chalkboard, text size 8 for the body, 9 for the titles), after getting it like I wanted on the top half of the paper, I copied it and pasted on the bottom half of the paper. Then just cut the pages in half and clip to a small clipboard.