Friday, September 30, 2022

Trailer Trash

I made this for outside our fifth wheel - do you need to ask why? Hahaha because it makes me laugh!

All I did was cut the letters out of vinyl using my baby Cricut and stuck them on a clean trash can. Done, and super cute. 

Yes there are a whole lot of jokes regarding “trailer trash”, trust me I know lol 😂 

PS happy birthday Mary!

9.30.18: 🔥
9.30.17: drying herbs
9.30.16: cauliflower pizza
9.30.15: photo vase

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Beachy Painted Table

Ginny sent me pics of a table that her friend Cherie painted, it is so so cool and I have to share. I always admire when people have the vision and nerve to paint traditional furniture - I have a few pieces that I’d love to do this to (looking at you old traditional colonial dresser!) but am too scared to attempt it - check out her before and after along with Ginny’s comments:

I know you like to put different things on your blog, would you like to add this showing Cherie’s table? She did an amazing job, such talent. 

She used chalk paint in beach colors, several different layers of it. She finished it with a chalk antique, then 5 coats of chalk wax.  

9.29.21: oatmeal chocolate chip cookies 

9.29.20: TT - accessory organizing 

9.29.19: 🔥 week 39

9.29.18: rhubarb pudding

9.29.17: cool clipboards  by Brooke

9.29.16: chalkboard doors

9.29.15: rhubarb bbq sauce

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Ice Cream Cookie Bites

Super simple birthday (or anytime) dessert - mini ice cream cookie bites! 

Put a small scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough into mini-muffin pans and bake until done (about 11 minutes). While they are still warm press the center of each cup down creating a bowl shape (I used a clean cork to shape the dough into small cups). Let cool, run a knife around the edge to release. Soften ice cream on the counter for a few minutes until soft enough that you can easily scoop the ice cream into the center of the cookie cups, smooth the top with a small knife. Add sprinkles if desired and put them in the freezer until hard and you’re ready to serve them. 

9.28.21: TT- make a paper plate bowl

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Pumpkin Bread (review by Jen)

 So… did anyone know my sister makes killer Pumpkin Bread?  Anyone? Was I the only who didn’t know?  Betting that recipe is on this blog somewhere so no one tell her I didn’t actually go look.  First of all Why would I hunt for a recipe when I would just burn it anyway? And second- why would I hunt for a recipe that my sister just made me anyway! HAHAHAHAHA..

So. On to this bread.  I do like a good bread.  And I do like a good pumpkin.  I’m not a pumpkin spice latte girl per ‘se but I love pumpkin pie, carving pumpkins, and the Peanuts annual great pumpkin story on TV.  This bread though could give Linus a run for his money in the patch waiting for the Great Pumpkin as the best “pumpkin thing” I have in my life. 

Its light enough that it didn’t sit like some breads do (not heavy at all).. but had great flavor.  The sugar on the top was my favorite part – even if that did make it feel like “cake”.  Lets just say I wasn’t eating this for breakfast, it was much more of a dessert. 

All in all GREAT bread.  If she would like to save me recipe hunting, possible burning and the risk of ruining her reputation by screwing up her recipe- she could just make me more. 😉

Click here for the recipe

Saturday, September 24, 2022

9/24 Thru the Years

Still no computer so struggling along with the iPad - hope you’re enjoying the walk down memory lane and finding posts you’ve maybe forgotten about! In addition to not having my computer, Jenny and I are driving to see my mom this weekend so won’t be around to blog anyway and will continue the “thru the years” posts for a few more days. Fingers crossed I’ll be up and running next week 🤞

9.24.21: sprinkle sandwich cookies

9.24.19: TT: power outage

9.24.18: jute wrapped candle

9.24.17: 2 cheese balls

9.24.16: ice cream carton tip

9.24.15: crochet bracelets

Friday, September 23, 2022

9/23 Thru the Years

Still no computer so struggling along with the iPad - hope you’re enjoying the walk down memory lane and finding posts you’ve maybe forgotten about! In addition to not having my computer, Jenny and I are driving to see my mom this weekend so won’t be around to blog anyway and will continue the “thru the years” posts for a few more days. Fingers crossed I’ll be up and running next week 🤞

9.23.21: necktie pillow 

9.23.20: mounds cake

9.23.19: driftwood art 

9.23.18: 🔥 week 38

9.23.16: painting pottery with Brooke

9.23.15: candy coated marshmallows

Thursday, September 22, 2022

9/22 Thru the Years

Hey there - still no computer and no keyboard yet so I’m leaving you another day of what happened at camp thru the years on this date…I’m really hoping to be back “live” shortly! 

9.22.21: crockpot London broil stroganoff 

9.22.20: TT- baby washcloths 

9.22.19: ugh computer problems (look, this happened to me 3 years ago! What is it about September?!)

9.22.18: Cassie’s flower arrangement 

9.22.17: chocolate covered banana by Brooke

9.22.16: corn husk wreaths

9.22.15: decorate your outlet covers

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

9/21 Thru the Years

Still no computer, I ordered a Bluetooth keyboard to make blogging on the iPad (hopefully) a little easier. In the meantime I’m leaving you with what happened at camp thru the years on this date:

9.21.21: TT - microwaving couscous

9.21.20: face mask with clear front 

9.21.19: antipasto pasta

9.21.18: rhubarb bbq sauce

9.21.16: sprinkles no-bake cheesecake

9.21.15: german chocolate cupcakes

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

9/20 Thru the Years

Went I finished blogging Saturday I closed my laptop and left it on the counter. When I opened it Sunday morning it was dead. Didn’t panic at first figuring huh, it was charged last night but the battery must have died, so I put it on the charger. Nope, dead. Uh oh…so now it’s 3 days since I’ve blogged because doing it on the iPad isn’t as easy but we are camping and I won’t be able to get it looked at for days so I have to post on the iPad…

This is a long story just to tell you that I won’t be blogging for a few days haha so I’ll leave you with a few “thru the years on this date” posts to hold you over and not have a week missing in the books! Sorry, I’ll be back live asap! Hope you have a great week (and that all your stuff works properly hahah!). 

9.20.21: 30 minute tomato sauce 

9.20.19: hairy pretzels

9.20.17: funfetti cake dough brownie layer cake

9.20.16: finish what you start

Monday, September 19, 2022

9/19 Thru the Years

My computer is dead and blogging on the iPad isn’t the easiest thing so while waiting to get back to normal I’m going to share posts from this day in other years:

9.19.21: 🔥 week 38

9.19.20: meaty minestrone

9.19.19: card stock gift box

9.19.18: strawberry swirl cheesecake

9.19.17: paper mugs

9.19.16: Steve's mac and cheese

9.19.15: dog crate cover

Sunday, September 18, 2022

🔥 Around the Campfire (week 38)

Dear Campers ~

Here's a quick recap of what happened at camp last week in case you missed anything:

Posts ~

9/11: 🔥 week 37

9/12: 'dust if you must'

9/13: tip-sy tuesday - table covering 

9/14: camper rag wreath

9/15: 7 year anniversary

9/16: Blogiversary

9/17: winner winner

What's Cooking ~

That's it for this week - stop back often for more crafts, recipes, projects, tips, whatever I think of to make at camp! Bye :)

Sincerely ~


camp counselor 

9.18.21: Crocheted Afghan for Brook

9.18.20: kid craft: painted mason jars

9.18.19: German chocolate poke cake

9.18.18: plant hanger

9.18.16: Steve’s Mac and cheese

9.18.15: laundry room tip

Saturday, September 17, 2022

And The Winner Is...

First of all - happy birthday to my lil sis Allyson in Tennessee, and LeDonna in DeTour! Hope you're both having a great day :)

Second - I drew names out of a hat (ok, a metaphorical hat - I folded up pieces of paper with names on them and tossed them around my desk and then picked one out!) and the winner of the $25 gift card is...

DEBBIE TURNER!!! Woohoo - I'll contact you on FB to see what store you want (Michaels, Joanne, Hobby Lobby?) and where to send it.


I'm not exactly a food blogger but I do give lots of food posts hahaha - this made me laugh and thought I'd share. And I have made 3 loaves of pumpkin bread and a pumpkin roll this week so...I'm laughing because it's slightly accurate!

9.17.21: winner winner...

9.17.20: MSIH - Mexican jalapeno poppers

9.17.19: TT - apple chart

9.17.18: make a giant candy card

9.17.17: apricot, pine nut, goat cheese spread

9.17.16: german chocolate cake

9.17.15: organizing craft room

Friday, September 16, 2022

Blogiversary (7 Years!)

I just said to Dave 'can you believe I started blogging 7 years ago today?' He said 'that's a lot of posts you've had to think about' hahahah,  he has no idea that some days I don't think at all and come up with posts that are more filler than content LOL. Anyway - thanks for sticking with me even when posts are potentially making you roll your eyes at me (but thankfully it's behind my back and no one has been rude to my face!!) 

I've given you a couple reminders already this week to make sure you enter to win a $25 craft store gift card, all you need to do is leave me a comment, emoji, whatever, either here on the blog or on the make my day camp facebook page. I'll draw tomorrow morning at 10 - good luck!

2552 posts - 7 years ago I had no idea how many things I'd find to make and share;  maybe they're not all amazing but still, thanks for reading about the projects, crafts, stories, cooking and baking, friends and relatives, pets, etc. that I've got going on in my little corner of the world! 

Hopefully you've been inspired and amused along the way. Thank you ❤️

9.16.21: blogiversary

9.16.20: 5 Year Anniversary

9.16.19: enter to win

9.16.18: 🔥 week 37

9.16.17: MMDC Turns 2

9.16.16: Celebrate!

9.16.15: first ever post: Sprinkles

Thursday, September 15, 2022

7 years later...

Unlike last year, I actually remembered ahead of time that tomorrow is the 7th blog anniversary - my first post was titled 'sprinkles' about Dave requesting chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and I, naturally, jazzed them up haha. I mentioned last Sunday in the weekly 🔥 recap that I'll hold a drawing to celebrate, if you haven't already left your name, a comment, or some indication that you're here and want a chance to win free stuff, you still have time to enter! I'll draw names on the 17th at 10am EST so make sure you're included. Good luck!

This post is from 9/15/16 - nothing has changed since I first posted it so I'm going to share it again, no reason to re-invent the wheel hahaha: 

So tomorrow is the one year anniversary of the blog... I can't believe I've done this for a year already! I'm pleasantly surprised that coming up with enough posts for the year wasn't hard at all, and it's flown by -  my phone and iPad are still full of inspiration photos, ideas, and recipes - everywhere I look it seems there is something I want to make, bake, try, and do - so I'm going to keep creating and posting, and hopefully you'll keep reading and be inspired to make stuff. I LOVE when you guys comment or privately tell me that you are following the blog (I can't tell who reads it unless you tell me or leave a comment on the blog or Facebook) - it's fun to know you are out there! Blogging makes me happy because it's a great way for me to share all of the things that keep me busy every day, and if you get an idea or are inspired by something then I'm happy to be sharing.

I can't even tell you how true every one of these are - this is my life!

Thanks to everyone for reading my blog, for all of your comments, for all of your private messages, and for your support - it means SO much to me! In return I'll do my best to keep making, creating, baking, snapping, planting, fashioning, arranging, exercising, decorating, mixing, and entertaining you the best I can :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Camping Rag Wreath

I made 2 rag wreaths out of patriotic material a couple years ago (click here for that post); last year I thought I'd make another one for the camper....just about the only general store here is Walmart so I had to pick from what they offered - a 12" wire wreath form and some camping-ish patterned fabric in colors that match our inside colors. Note: yes I said last year, and I put it away and forgot about it until today! 

This one is a little different from the other ones in that the wire form is smaller than the patriotic's 16" so I cut the strips shorter and a little narrower - about 1" x 5". I don't have a rotary fabric cutter here so did it by hand, to make things a little easier I folded the fabric so I could cut thru multiple layers at the same time, then cut the strips apart where they folded. 

I tied the strips on to each of the 4 wire rings this time instead of overlapping rings like before, each section held between 8-10. To attach the strips - fold the strip in half, put the folded side under a wire, fold the 2 ends up over the wire and thru the folded loop of fabric, pull taut. Then repeat a couple hundred more times! 

the reverse side...and Sarge :)

9.14.21: TT - truck bed organizer (short person solution!)

9.14.20: cake topper

9.14.19: 4th Anniversary

9.14.18: how to use a Big Shot 

9.14.17: road trip - S. Dakota

9.14.16: pina colada cupcakes

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tip-sy Tuesday: table covering

Jen sent me this idea a while back and I promptly forgot about it - until I was jerry-rigging a tablecloth in place here at the campground using small clips from coffee bags and twine because the tablecloth clips we've been using aren't strong enough to hold with the gusty winds we've been having. So I figured I'd try to come up with something better - I saw nice versions in a catalog that have elastic all around which would be perfect but (a) it was like 60 bucks or some ridiculous thing like that and (b) I'm feeling a little lazy and didn't want to make my own elastic version. 

And then I remembered this idea! 

Unfortunately our campsite table is square so this twin sheet idea won't work for us and I will most likely be making a square elasticized one in the future (oh don't worry, I will obviously share it once I've made it 'cuz hello - making stuff blogger!); but thought I'd share this easy tip with you today in case you can use it! When we travel in the RV I'll be bringing along a bottom sheet to cover picnic tables - they are usually dirty and this would help alot. 

my clip and twine solution

Sunday, September 11, 2022

🔥 Around the Campfire (week 37)

Dear Campers ~

Here's a quick recap of what happened at camp last week in case you missed anything:

Posts ~

9/4: 🔥 week 36

9/5: Labor Day '22

9/6: tip-sy tuesday: easy cream puff dessert 

9/7: strawberry cream pie

9/8: grilled mini pizzas

9/9: personalized phone case

9/10: cinnamon roll waffle

What's Cooking ~

  • rice bowls (layer cooked flavored rice, chopped cooked meat, top with salad - I made rice a roni mixed with steamed peas, leftover cooked chicken, caesar salad with croutons)
  • stir fried beef, broccoli, and mushrooms with sticky rice
  • marinated pork tenderloin, baked veggies with cheese sauce (recipe to follow)
  • grilled chicken, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole (Brooke requested!)
This week on the 16th marks 7 years since I started this blog - 7 YEARS!! It started with a post about chocolate cupcakes and sprinkles, and 2,546 posts later it's almost time for another celebration of Make My Day Camp's blogiversary. I am totally going to celebrate that you've looked at the blog over 111,500 times - I have no idea how many people it took to reach that number, maybe 5 of you have looked 22,000 times in the past 7 years and if that's the case please keep it up you amazing 5 people!! LOL. Anyway, as always, I'll hold a drawing for a chance to win a $25 gift card to Michaels (or Joanne, Hobby Lobby...your call); to enter just leave your name, a comment, a thumbs up, whatever you want to show me you're out there and want free stuff - either on the facebook page or here on the blog. I'll draw the winner on the 17th - good luck and thank you SO MUCH for continuing to humor me by reading this crafty-foodie-tipsy-silly and sometimes dumb but hopefully sometimes useful blog. 

Hope you have a great week and stop by often for more ideas. Bye!

Sincerely ~

camp counselor

photo found at

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Cinnamon Roll Waffles by Brooke

hey guys! today i have something very simple, yet so delicious! My roomate has this mini waffle maker, and we put cinnamon rolls in it! All you do is take 1 cinnamon roll, and put it in the waffle maker, and then put some icing on it when its done! so delicious, so easy, and so fast!!!

9.10.21: flower seed wedding favors

9.10.20: organizing and defrosting the deep freezer

9.10.19: TT how to use a shredding disk 

9.19.18: arm knit afghan

9.10.17: salad in baked meat cups

9.10.16: pineapple upside-down cake cocktails

Friday, September 9, 2022

Personalized Phone Case

Made this for my sis - she loves working out and does Peloton like every day, so I googled a bunch of funny things one of the instructors is famous for saying during his workouts (I googled because I don't do Peloton hahaha, I've just heard this Cody guy is pretty funny). Seemed like an easy, quick, crafty, personal thing to make her that she'd love...but I was wrong.

Not wrong about the crafty personal thing or about her loving it. Wrong about how easy and quick it was to make!

I made the letters using my Cricut Joy - the design part was easy, just type what you want to say and play around with scale and fonts until it looks good to you. Originally I had twice as many quotes but when I cut it out I had a terrible time with the tiny little letters! Weeding them from the vinyl sheets, transferring from the sheet to the transfer tape, then getting them to stick to the case - yikes. I cut out some of the quotes and made the rest a bit larger thinking that'd help but it didn't. Ugh.  The easy quick craft took me sooooooo long - the vinyl didn't cut right so I replaced the blade, then I changed the vinyl, then I contemplated just buying stickers (which would have been much easier haha), then I walked away from it for a few days and then had to finish it in a panic right before going to her birthday dinner.

In the end it came together, it turned out super cute and she does love it - but will I make another? Doubtful! If you want to make one I wish you luck, a steady hand, a Cricut that performs better than mine did on this project, and lots of patience. 

9.9.21: window signs (paint on old windows)

9.9.20: croissant bread pudding with bourbon sauce

9.9.19: DIY no-sew tutu

9.9.18: 🔥 week 36

9.9.17: wine cork flower holder

9.9.16: chopped champion aprons

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Grilled Mini Pizzas

I've mentioned making grilled pizzas in the past but don't have a post devoted to it so I'm sharing this quick easy dinner idea today. It's more of a non-recipe recipe - you know I like to just wing it when cooking such easy dishes!

Start with store-bought pre-made pizza crust, I usually buy the thin crust individual sized package (there are  usually 3 really thin ones or 2 slightly thicker  in a package - I get one or the other depending on what's available). 

Brush the edge lightly with olive oil, sprinkle on seasoning if you want - I do salt and pepper, sometimes Italian herb blend. Spread pizza sauce almost to the edge, top with toppings of your choice (our standard is canned mushrooms and chopped canadian bacon, sometimes I'll add chopped spinach or tomatoes), finish with shredded or cubed mozzarella (feta is good too!). Grill until the cheese is melted, watch that the bottom doesn't burn. It doesn't take very many minutes to be ready to eat.

I don't have a picture, it looks like pizza haha. Yum, seriously - we eat these all the time!

You could do the same thing in the oven if you don't want to bother with the grill. 

9.8.21: mojitos

9.8.20: TT stovetop toasted garbanzo beans

9.8.19: 🔥 week 36

9.8.18: b.l.a.t. sandwich

9.8.17: crown braid by Brooke

9.8.16: rearranging furniture

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Strawberry Cream Pie

When I first saw this recipe it reminded me of the great strawberry-pineapple pie that Cathy makes (click here for that post), but it's different and also delicious so it's going in my recipe stash alongside hers. 

The whipped cream filling was a little soft, maybe I didn't whip it long enough or it was too humid the day I made it but it really didn't matter - it's still fluffy creamy berry goodness. I followed the recipe and whipped my own cream, I'm thinking Cool Whip would hold up better if you want to try for a stiffer cream layer.

  • 1 quart strawberries, sliced
  • 1 (13.5 oz.) package strawberry glaze
  • 1 (4 oz) package cream cheese, softened (1/2 block)
  • 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
  • 1/4 t. ground cinnamon
  • 1 t. vanilla
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream 
  • 1 (9") baked pie crust (I used a pre-made graham cracker crust)
1. Stir strawberries with glaze in a bowl and place in fridge to chill. Stir cream cheese, confectioners' sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla together in a bowl.

2. Beat cream in a separate bowl with an electric mixer just until it begins to thicken; add cream cheese mixture and continue beating until thick. Pour cream mixture into baked pie crust; top with strawberry mixture. Chill at least 1 hour before serving.

well I thought I had a picture of the sliced pie but can't find it - when I do I'll update this!! 

 recipe found here

9.7.21: TT - solo cup measurements, who knew?

9.7.20: face mask with filter pocket

9.2.19: wild mushroom and thyme soup (made myself laugh 3 years later!)

9.7.18: tomato tart

9.7.16: brownie, oreo, reese's ice cream cake

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Tip-sy Tuesday: cream puff dessert

Today's Tip-sy Tuesday tip is for the easiest dessert ever - buy frozen mini cream puffs, put them on a plate a few minutes before serving them (follow packages directions) to slightly thaw, drizzle with warmed chocolate sauce. 

I don't have a picture, we ate it faster than I remembered to snap a photo hahaha. The cream puffs are in a plastic box in the freezer section, we like Saunders chocolate sauce (I put it in a microwavable safe glass container and micro it for a few seconds until pourable). 

Instead of drizzling overtop of the cream puffs you can also pour some chocolate on your plate and dip them yourself. 

9.6.21: 'welcome to the wedding' sign 

9.6.20: 🔥 week 36

9.6.19: plastic lacing gimp keychain

9.6.18: roasted tomatoes with pasta

9.6.17:  morning glory muffins

9.6.16:  Japanese steakhouse carrot-ginger salad dressing

Monday, September 5, 2022

Happy Labor Day '22

Here's a Labor Day post from '16 - we were camping and I didn't have access to my computer to post something new, I'm doing a repeat so I have something for this year! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I couldn't find many cute Labor Day sayings, quotes or pictures - so I'm leaving you with this cute pic of Sarge...wishing you a day filled with friends, family, and a nice long nap!

Oh, and I'm totally wearing my white jeans after today - who's with me?

9.5.21: 🔥 week 36

9.5.20: stuffed tomatoes with grits

9.5.19: insta-pot tortellini by Jen

9.5.18: raw fresh tomato sauce

9.5.17: birthday party 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

🔥 Around the Campfire (week 36)

Dear Campers ~

Here's a quick recap of what happened at camp last week in case you missed anything:

Posts ~

8/28: 🔥 week 35 

8/29: Man-day Monday: Dave made a sandwich (walleye)

8/30: Tip-sy Tuesday: RV organizing the spice rack

8/31: Hawaiian quilt

9/1: tamale dip

9/2: giant reese's stuffed cookie

9/3: cucumbers in vinegar

What's Cooking ~

  • beef wellington, roasted potatoes, carrots, and green beans, salad bar
  • grilled chicken, buttered noodles, roasted sliced zucchini and mushrooms with red sauce and mozzarella
  • grilled mini pizzas, chopped salad
  • bbq pork chops, seasoned rice packet, roasted broccoli
Well, well, well, I've done it again and didn't post this when I was supposed to - so I'm posting this review late so it will be in place on the blog! happens haha. 

Sincerely ~

camp counselor 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Cucumbers in Vinegar

 LeDonna gave me this idea for my new favorite way to eat cucumbers - my mouth is watering just thinking about them - cover sliced cukes with apple cider vinegar and let them hang in the fridge, oh my gosh this is SO good. I've been eating them straight out of the container, usually I sprinkle salt on them right before popping into my mouth! You can experiment with different kinds of vinegar but so far I've only used apple cider and it's amazing. 

You can peel the cucumbers or leave skin on, whichever you prefer. They will hold in the fridge for a few days  before the vinegar starts getting cloudy and the texture of the cukes gets too soft...I eat them faster than they could possibly go bad so can't tell you how many days. Just keep an eye on them. 

For the record, I don't love cucumbers so having them in a quick pickle like this is the perfect way for me to enjoy them :)

9.3.21: tiny wedding cake

9.3.20: drunken cherry bombs

9.3.19: TT - clear vanilla

9.3.18: tomato week: stuffed tomatoes

9.3.17: cauliflower waffles

9.3.16: Barbie soap - wrong but funny.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Giant Reese's Stuffed Cookie

Well I went and did it again - forgot to take a picture of this after it was baked! I will make it again and hopefully remember to get a pic and will update this the meantime will you just trust me that it looks great? hahaha. Also tastes great, and got great reviews at the birthday party!

I borrowed a screenshot from Delish until I get my own picture :)

3/4 C. creamy peanut butter, divided

1/2 C. butter, unsalted (1 stick)

1/2 C. brown sugar, packed

1/4 C. granulated sugar

1 large egg

1 t. vanilla

1 1/2 C. flour

1/2 t. baking soda

1/2 t. salt (I used coarse)

13 regular size Reese's peanut butter cups

1 1/2 C. mini Reese's, plus more for topping

1/4 C. Reese's Pieces, plus more for topping

melted chocolate for topping

Ice cream for serving

1. Preheat oven to 350' and grease a 10" cast-iron skillet with cooking spray. In a large bowl using a hand mixer or in the bowl of a stand mixer, combine 1/2 cup peanut butter, butter, and sugars and beat on medium until mixture is light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla and mix until thoroughly combined, then add flour, baking soda, and salt and mix until just combined.

2. Press half the cookie dough onto the bottom and up the sides of the skillet. Press Reese's cups into the dough, then top with remaining cookie dough. Gently press in 1 1/2 cups mini Reese's and 1/4 cup Reese's Pieces. 

3. Bake until cookie sis et, 15-20 minutes.

4. In a small microwave-safe bowl, microwave remaining 1/4 cup peanut butter until melted, about 20 seconds. 

5. Drizzle cookie with melted peanut butter and melted chocolate. and top with more candy. Serve with ice cream. 

note: my cast iron skillet is 12" and I didn't know if that would work so I substituted a 10" oven safe skillet instead - worked just fine. 

recipe from 

before patting it smooth over the reese's cups

9.2.21: naked cake

9.2.20: crazy peanut butter chocolate pie

9.2.19: happy labor day

9.2.18: 🔥 week 35

9.2.17: birthday cake (heavy sprinkles!)

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Tamale Dip

Cute story - I got this recipe from Al and Cathy a really long time ago and just made it over the weekend. Al says to me 'this is really good dip' and I said 'well I'd think you would like it, since it's your recipe' LOL They haven't made it in a long time and he forgot about it hahah. It's really easy, and so so good! 

One slightly weird/interesting thing is the canned tamales - they are individually wrapped in papers and then canned in you have to stick your fingers in the sauce to get the paper off...weird. But delicious in this dip.

1 lb. Velveeta, cubed

1 can chili without beans

1 can tamales in sauce

1/2 small jar picante sauce

Remove the papers around the canned tamales, smoosh the tamales and mix all the ingredients together. Melt in the microwave; put in a small crockpot to keep warm. 

9.1.21: swiss meringue buttercream

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